Classic Dozen Red Roses A timeless symbol of love and admiration, our dozen red roses are carefully hand-selected for their vibrant color and lush petals. Each bouquet is elegantly arranged with premium greenery and wrapped in a chic bouquet sleeve, ready to impress. Perfect for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or any occasion where love deserves to be celebrated. Includes a personalized note card to make your gift extra special.
Dozen Roses
To Our Customers:
To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, we may replace some stems for color or flower variety in your arrangement. While we always do our best to match the picture shown, sometimes different vases may be used. Any substitution made will be similar to the original design and have equal or greater value.
Floral and Plant Substitutions:
For bouquets and plants of one variety, such as roses or orchids, we focus on matching the floral type but may substitute for different colors.